Gerberhof - Webseite Störer EN
Sonnenuntergang an den Gaisalpseen
Das Trettachtal im Frühling
Gerberhof news
Information on hygiene and protective requirements

Dear guests,

ee have developed a hygiene program according to the DEHOGA guidelines so that you can feel safe with us and enjoy your vacation. We would like to inform you of the most important measures before your arrival: For check-in and check-out, we have attached a plexiglass pane at the reception. Please wash your hands with soap regularly. We have also provided disinfectants in the public areas.

Please adhere to the distance rule of 1.5 meters in all public spaces. People such as members of a household, for whom the contact restriction does not apply in relation to one another, do not have to comply with the distance rule. In all communal areas, our employees and guests must wear a mouth and nose cover. The cover can of course be removed at the breakfast table. The outdoor area, such as our breakfast terrace, is exempt from the obligation to wear a face mask. We have adapted the hygiene and cleaning standards to the situation. As always, the rooms are cleaned in the absence of our guests.

We have reduced the use of objects that are used by several guests in the entire hotel to a minimum or designed them so that they are cleaned or replaced after each use. For example, we put our guest directory on the notice board and removed it from the rooms.

Commonly used areas are often ventilated and cleaned. We look forward to welcoming you all back to our home and we will also give you a smile behind our face mask. :)

Your Schmitt family with the entire Gerberhof team

All around the house, he can explore forests and meadows. After long walks, dog towels ensure clean paws. In summer you can use the hose to hose down your paws. In the interest of the other guests, we can only accept dogs that can stay in the room for the duration of breakfast, we ask for your understanding.

An existing liability insurance for the four-legged friend is a prerequisite for a successful vacation with your dog at the Hotel Gerberhof. We, and especially our dog Silva, look forward to meeting you and your four-legged friend.

We allow ourselves to charge € 15.00 per day and dog. Dog-friendly rooms are available (without carpeting), so a prior request is always required.

Wettericon: Bewölkt
6 / 22 °C
Partly Cloudy Day
Wettericon: bedeckt
9 / 17 °C
Wettericon: bedeckt
Day after Tomorrow
8 / 17 °C


Harald Schmitt
Zweistapfenweg 7
87561 Oberstdorf
Tel. +49 8322 7070
Fax +49 8322 707100

Your hotel in Oberstdorf

Welcome to our family-run comfort hotel in the 3rd generation in the beautiful south of Oberstdorf. We are looking forward to your visit! Your Schmitt family

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